Chair: Morgan Sander-Olhoeft; Co-Chair: Laura Quigley
ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 20 September 2021
The Summit on Drone Geophysics is a virtual conference scheduled to take place over four (4) days on 2-5 November 2021, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Central Time (US).
The first Summit on Drone Geophysics held in November 2020, was by all accounts, a huge success. The more than 130 registered attendees learned about the latest developments in the quickly evolving world of drone enabled magnetometry, electromagnetics, and ground penetrating, along with issues associated with acquiring geophysical data with a drone, and application use cases of drone geophysics technology. The upcoming Summit on Drone Geophysics will build and expand on the themes expressed in the first workshop by placing emphasis on drone geophysical applications.
The steering committee is seeking presentations on the following topic areas: 1) agriculture applications, 2) environmental geophysics & hydrogeophysics, 3) geohazards, 4) resource exploration & geologic mapping, 5) landmines & UXO, 6) multisensors & multiphysics, 7) data QA\QC & regulatory issues, and 8) transportation & infrastructure. Leaders in the application of drone geophysics for each of the topic areas have been invited to present a keynote presentation at the beginning of each session.
If you are working in the field of drone geophysics, please consider submitting an abstract for consideration. Abstract submissions opens on 1 July 2021 and will close on 20 September 2021.