FastTIMES is interested in receiving articles for the upcoming Special Issues:
- Focus on Southeast Asia. Guest Editor: Jamaludin Othman. Manuscript submission deadline October 1st, 2022
- NMR in Groundwater and Beyond. Guest Editor: Dave Walsh. Manuscript submission deadline December 15th, 2022
- Innovative Approaches in Munitions Response. Guest Editors: Jeff Leberfinger and John Jackson. Manuscript submission deadline March 15, 2023
- Uncovering Egypt’s Buried Treasures With Geophysics. Guest Editor: Mehrez Elwaseif. Manuscript submission deadline June 15, 2023
FastTIMES is a quarterly electronic newsmagazine for the near-surface geophysical sciences published by the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society. It showcases novel uses of near-surface geophysics in a manner that is intended to be interesting to geophysicists as well as accessible to others who may be interested in using geophysics for a particular class of problems. The FastTIMES audience is mostly near-surface geophysicists, but the publication is also distributed to other professional societies with an interest in the engineering, environmental, and geological applications of geophysics. Per-issue downloads typically number about 10,000.
As a potential author, you should review the most recent issues of FastTIMES to get a feel for article style and length. Length is open, but it is best not to make your paper overly long or overly technical to encourage the broadest possible readership. Roughly speaking, four to six pages of manuscript text and a few compelling figures are reasonable goals. Submissions can be longer or shorter.
The FastTIMES staff prefers to receive a single Microsoft Word file with text and inserted figures included as raster images rather than graphic vector objects. Text will be uploaded using a simple cut-and-paste operation, and figures will be positioned at the location indicated in the author’s Word file. Figures that are inserted in the Word file as image files normally work well. Figures that contain superposition of graphic vectors, even if these are ‘grouped’ in the Word file, are likely to contain errors.
Please send your figures as separate image files in addition to the Word file, with obvious file names such as ‘Figure1.jpg’, ‘Figure2.tif’, etc. Color is strongly encouraged. Raster images (jpg or tiff, for example) at a resolution of 300 pixels per inch (120 pixels per cm) or greater at final size are best; images should be at least 1800 pixels in both dimensions. You may send a pdf version of your manuscript to accompany the separate text files and graphic images. Figures and tables should have complete captions. For citations and references, please follow this format:
Smith, A. B., Collins, R. A., and Simpkins, T. V., 2008, Amazing and incredible results from time-domain EM: FastTIMES, v. 12, no. 3, p. 55-67.
References such as this one should be cited in the text as “Smith and others, 2008.”
Author’s Submission checklist:
- I am submitting an original technical article that is of interest to near-surface geophysicists and end users of near-surface geophysical products
- My paper is not intended as a commercial advertisement of a particular product or company
- I have given a draft of this manuscript to one of my peers for internal review and obtained feedback
- I am enclosing a readable MS Word file or equivalent with text and inserted figures at their location where I want them in the published version
- Standard manuscript structure is encouraged: (1) Title, (2) Author(s)’ first name and last name, (3) Authors’ affiliations, (4) Authors’ email addresses; (5) Abstract; (6) Introduction; (7) Data; (8) Methods; (9) Results and Discussion; (10) Conclusions; (11) List of References
- I am attaching my figures as image files named ‘’ to ‘FigureN.jpg’
- I am sending short bios and pictures of myself and each of my co-authors (please name picture files with the person’s first and last names).
- I have double-checked the above list and verified the Editor’s email address.
Content inquiries should be sent to the FastTIMES Editor, German Y. Ojeda ([email protected]). Advertising inquiries should be sent to Jackie Jacoby ([email protected]).
There is no charge for publication of articles in FastTIMES, but voluntary contributions to EEGS are welcome. If you choose to contribute, please indicate that your contribution is intended to support FastTIMES.
Content inquiries should be sent to the FastTIMES Editor, German Y. Ojeda ([email protected]). Advertising inquiries should be sent to Jackie Jacoby ([email protected]).